Additional course costs

Table of contents
Compulsory costs
Costs involved in taking the undergraduate Engineering courses (in addition to University and College fees), as at August 2017, are as follows:
Essential equipment
All students will be given the opportunity to purchase essential equipment during the registration process. The total cost of all items will be around £45.00 and you will be able to choose what is required as the sales process is split into two categories – a full set of drawing equipment and a University approved calculator.
All purchases on registration day can be made by cash or debit/credit card.
Drawing equipment
This is available as a complete set for £20.00. Please note that items will not be available to purchase separately. The set comprises the following:
- HB Pencil
- Shine Plastic Eraser E210A
- Blundeil Harling 300mm ruler 0411.03
- Ecobra Compass 3754
- Rumold Duo 2812 (Circle template)
- Rumold Protractor 21145A
- Ecobra Erasing Shield 3754
Students do not have to purchase these items from us but they will be expected to have them by the start of their labs.
University approved calculator
The Department currently sells the Casio FX-991-ES-Plus models of calculator at £23.00, this is a University approved version for use in the exams.
A full set of Databooks will be given to you at the Introductory Talks. Databooks are needed for all four years. Replacements cost £2 per booklet (cash) and can be obtained from the Teaching Office.
Non-compulsory costs
Surveying trip to Scotland
Students taking this Part IIB module option between years 3 and 4 are required to pay £160 towards the two weeks' accommodation.
Language Unit trips
The cost of these optional trips for those taking language courses (which are often open to students in all years) is c. £300.
Photocopying and printing
Students are required to pay for photocopying and printing if they exceed their quota, which is designed to accommodate the majority of the requirements of the course.
Constructionarium Part IIA project
Students taking the Constructionarium are required to buy safety boots costing about £30 and contribute up to £200 towards the cost of the course.
It is hoped that this contribution will be reduced to about £100 once the sponsorship of the course is confirmed.
Last updated on 12/09/2017 06:58