ID cards
All students should have been issued with a University ID card by their College. If you have any problems with access in the Department, please take your card to the CUED Security Office between 9am and 1pm. Students are advised that they may be challenged at any time when in the Department and asked to produce identification unless they are displaying their ID card.
If you lose your card, please report its loss immediately to the Security Office (or email, but note that replacements for lost cards should be ordered through your College.
General access to the Department
The Department's central site is open 7am – 10pm seven days a week. Further to this, the Baker building, including Library and DPO, remains open to students until 11pm. Access to the Department after 5pm will be through the foyer entrance to the Baker Building. Students must be carrying their University card at all time.
Access to the Department between 11pm and 7am
Only students who have attended a safety briefing are permitted to be present in the building outside the hours of 7am - 11pm. Access to the Department between 11pm and 7am requires an authorised Late Working Permit. This is available to download below or a hard copy is available from Reception.
N.B. At no time may any undergraduate work unsupervised in laboratory areas, including those with a Late Working Permit.
Access to the DPO
Drawing equipment and computer workstations and printers are available for private study except when there are timetabled classes or during periods when certain groups have priority. Normal IT helpdesk hours in full term are 8.30 am - 6.00 pm Monday to Friday. Any DPO equipment problems should be reported to the IT Helpdesk, either in person or by email.
Last updated on 13/12/2017 14:08